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Lead Inventory Program Overview

The US EPA & PA DEP is revising the Lead & Copper Rule for Safe Drinking Water.  Under the revisions, water suppliers must complete a material inventory of every service line for each customer served.  Collecting complete and accurate records of our water system will help us protect our community from lead exposure in drinking water.  MABT does not have complete records of the materials used on the customer portion of the service line; therefore, your help with this project is crucial.  Once all the information is collected, we will be able to determine if any areas are at risk for lead contamination, educate impacted customers on how to minimize the risk of lead exposure, and work to secure funding to assist customers with replacing service lines that are identified as lead or galvanized requiring replacement.

How You Can Help

In the past, MABT has not collected complete information regarding the customer portions of service lines and plumbing.  You can help us by providing this information. 

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SERVICE LINE INFORMATION - A service line is the line that is connected from the water main to each individual home or business.  MABT is responsible for the portion of service line connected from the main to the curb.  The customer owns and maintains the portion of the service line from the curb to the home or business. The inventory is required for both portions of the service line.  













If you need assistance determining the material of your service line, please call our office at (724) 295-2703 to schedule an appointment. 

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